Estonian Logbuilding

NGO Vanaajamaja (Old Times House) was born in 1998 as a nonprofit, educational organization. We are dedicated to establishing training programs, disseminating information, and generally serving as a center of Estonian traditional building and log house renovation for the professional and general public alike. Vanaajamaja is an accredited training and consultancy provider dedicated to Estonian built heritage. We provide training courses related to traditional log building and historical renovation. We regularly host master carpenters from all over the world to share their knowledge and skills. For over ten years now we have trained more than 500 people in Estonian traditional building. It is our experience that not everybody starts hands-on building right after the training course. People need time to think and plan their own building projects. When the actual building then starts, after months or years, they might discover that some of the knowledge and skills acquired in the training have somehow disappeared. Therefore we have made a helpful tool for those who want to revive their knowledge. This set of films shows step-by-step the process of making a small log building with the dovetail corner notches. The set contains eight films starting with the preparation and starting the log building in the workshop and ending with the raising of the building in its actual location.