Kick-off Meeting in Porto

Porto, Portugal - 4th-5th November 2019

The first meeting of the project was held between 4th and 5th November 2019 in Porto, Portugal hosted by the coordinator insitution of the project, UPT - Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique. The main target of the meeting was to update the management plans of the project, to learn more about the different teams, to plan the exact composition of the joint work and to schedule the upcoming tasks with clear distribution of work amongst the members of the consortium.

Participants of the meeting were:

Mari Kaisel, Piret Uus - NGO Vanaajamaja, Estonia
Ida Karlsson, Göran Andersson - University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Anna Palotas, Gabor Palotas - EK Association, Hungary
Gabor Tothfalusi - Tektum, Romania
Isabel Freitas - UPT - Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, Portugal
Agne Zilinskaite, Maria Kajotiene - Arts & Crafts Association of Vilnius, Lithuania